Early-career grants: Prevention of antibiotic resistance (2022)

  11 January 2022

Application deadline: March 10th
Project time: up to 1 year
Grant size: Up to SEK 300 000 (approx EUR 30 000)
Admissible costs: All relevant and reasonable expenses can be included in the budget, including living costs/salary for grantee considering the cost of living at the relevant location

The aim of this call is to improve the ability and interest of promising early-career individuals from diverse backgrounds to contribute through their professional careers to effective AMR work with a broad, cross-disciplinary perspective.

Several underlying drivers of antibiotic resistance need to be addressed with competence outside the mainstream AMR sciences (medicine, biotechnology, biology, etc). This includes core issues such as public awareness and perception of AMR, awareness of the role of infection prevention, translation of awareness into effective action, development of evidence for interventions and knowledge transfer to decision makers.

Addressing these issues is challenging because:

  • There is a need for increased capacity and capability to address these issues that require competence outside the mainstream AMR sciences, particularly in middle- and low-income countries.
  • Meanwhile, we believe that the potential career paths in AMR for early-career individuals outside the mainstream AMR sciences are often unclear, making it harder to attract such talent to work in the field.
  • There is also a geographical mismatch between investments and needs, so that most of the funding for AMR work is invested in high-income countries, while the greatest need for such investments is seen in low- and middle-income countries. This includes funding for entry-level positions.
Further reading: PAR Foundation
Author(s): PAR Foundation
Engaged Students  


Unrestricted financial support by:

Antimicrobial Resistance Fighter Coalition

Bangalore Bioinnovation Centre




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